Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Module Ten

How can Web 2.0 assist in improving outcomes for all students?
What are Nings and Wiki's?

These sites have evolved for people wishing to create  social networks of their own.  They allow you to design your own visuals and features on particular topics or needs.  They allow you to share your work, your ideas, and your thoughts.  They also promote discussion and the sharing of information is a variety of formats through sources such as videos, mind maps and pictures. I checked out the Book leads link and thought it offered great links to book sites. I also noted that the Creative Commons licence was issued so that I could access and use other people’s ideas- giving credit for other people’s work.
The Classroom2.0 discussion forum also allows teachers to ask for help and ideas- the responses given appear supportive as well, so it opens up another way to communicate and ask questions/ share ideas with other teachers internationally.
Our ESL teacher has invited us to join the Ning that she belongs to in her role. It is up to date, has a variety of formats and celebrates the work of these teachers too.

Wikis and Nings allow for individuality and give children opportunities to use their imaginations to present their own pages on their Wiki's.  Children become motivated, have fun, and are totally immersed and engaged in their own learning.  They are in charge of their own learning and they can become critical writers and learners who are motivated in sharing their best work. It can be frustrating for students if their work is “sabotaged” which can occur, but it also shows them that ownership of their work is different using this medium.
Wikis not only encourage communication and collaboration between class members, it also gives a platform for the quieter and/or less confident students to observe their peers and “speak” to class members. 
I know that I will need support in setting up a class wiki, but the facility is there and I know I can call on the “Super Louise” who is so patient and helpful in facilitating us “oldies” is completing the Web2 course. I have checked out a couple of wikis and I think that some of the things I do on Myclasses can be easily adapted to wikis-here’s hoping!!
Bye for now- ALMOST THERE!! I am reallyt looking forward to just getting reports done!! What a looser!!
Ramble on I say.